Selection of Testimonials
What Do My Clients Say?
“Thank you again for your great session! I have changed so much in my life after several sessions with you! My self-esteem is now higher… I was successful with an interview and manage to get a good contract and manage to create short-term income. I truly agree with your coaching method of having my foundation firm first! and I am very happy with your coaching style! Thank you again Anthony!” – Business Owner, Engineer and Entrepreneur
“A wonderful session! It’s always a pleasure to speak with you. Your advice and experience is invaluable.” – Property Investor
“Anthony, It was a great afternoon. We all left fully charged and with many motivational questions to answer about ourselves. Exactly what I was after… The positive reviews keep coming in from my team! Thank you very much for your help and your inspiration.” – Managing Director, Global Solar Energy Company
“I’m excited! Thanks as always for your support, your encouragement and your expertise.” – Business Owner, Health Professional and Trainer
“Thank you Anthony… it’s been a good year learned a lot made a lot of changes and certainly wouldn’t have got to where we have as quickly as we have without your expertise.” – Building Trade and Business
“Anthony, I just wanted to share how much I appreciate you, how much you inspire me, how much you lift me up… how thankful I am that you took me on. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for you. Thank you so much.” – Business Owner, Business and Life Coach
“Thank you so much for your kind support as always. Your advice and your belief in me have given me a real boost.” – Business Manager and Property Investor
“I was talking to a customer the other day and she is training to be a Life Coach and was talking about us and how great it was to have had you as our Business Coach and that we wouldn’t have been where we are without you. Things have been moving well this year.” – Business Owner, Heating and Plumbing
“Hi my Coach! Thank you for everything… I am doing so well. How can I ever repay you?”
– Devotee of a Religious Order
“Anthony Fleming’s book “I Believe In You” is going to be amazing. Whenever I speak to him, I feel very inspired and motivated by what he has achieved. Anthony walks his talk, he helped one company to increase their profits by 700%… he may not realise it but he inspires me.” – PR Specialist
“Thank you so much for your support as always. God bless you Anthony Fleming.”
– Health Professional
“Anthony, it was very valuable session as always!” – Business Owner, Medical Doctor
Selection of Testimonials
What Do My Clients Say?
– Devotee of a Religious Order
– Health Professional
Posted on June 5, 2017 | By Anthony Fleming | Leave a response | Posted in Posts, Testimonials | Tags: Anthony Fleming, business coaching, customer comments, inspired, Newbury Life Coach, results, testimonial, testimonials, walks his talk