Business Essentials: Feed Your Focus
Business Essentials 1
Every day the meaning and value of following this advice becomes more and more true:
“Starve Your Distractions and Feed Your Focus!”
From my business experience it is clear that one of the main reasons we ‘fail’ (don’t achieve what we intended) is because we allow life to distract us and we are not disciplined enough to pull ourselves back and to refocus. For example, we say with passion and enthusiasm that we are going to do X… and what happens? A bomb drops which has nothing to do with X but which gets our attention. So we lose our focus and in a very short time we lose our momentum. If you are reading this no doubt you will agree as it will have happened to you many times.
So what can we do to hold our focus or to return to our focus? Well here are a few simple suggestions that have be proved to me to be effective:
1 – Write down your goal/focus and check in and read them regularly.
2 – Set your alarm on your mobile phone as a reminder to check in with your goals.
3 – Use post-it notes or the equivalent.
4 – If achieving your goals is crucial – which goals are not? – then get yourself a good coach, one with a proven track record.
That’s it! Business Essentials Number 1.